Age groups CT / FT
  • 16 - 30 years
  • 31 - 40 years
  • 41 - 50 years
  • 51 - 60 years
  • 61 - 70 years
  • over 70

42 and 30 km C.T. on Saturday

42 and 30 km F.T. on Sunday

NB: all races are valid for the “Euroloppet”


SMS service (information & personal running time): Every athlete, who enters his mobile phone number at the moment of online-registration, will receive information and his personal result via SMS.

the first lists of results will be available immediately at the information stand at the finish the results sorted out according to age will appear immediately after the race in the Internet.

Ethical Requirement

By signing and submitting the registration form, the participant, in agreement with the representative of his/her team, certifies the absence of any disciplinary measures, whether civil and/or criminal, or ongoing investigations against him/her on account of actions related to doping, and states that s/he has not taken – and is not taking – any substances appearing on the anti-doping list held by FISI, CONI or the World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA) ( Any false certification will be prosecuted in accordance with the law. In the event of a negative result in the anti-doping controls carried out at the Granfondo Val Casies 2019, or of a positive result established in the 6 (six) months following the Granfondo Val Casies Nordic Ski Marathon, the participant must, in compensation for the serious prejudice caused to the image of the event, pay the Organising Committee a sum of €50,000 (fifty thousand euros). If the participant belongs to a sports club, the club will be obliged to pay the fine. The money will be donated to developing youth sports activities.

The entry fee includes
  • Race bib
  • athlete’s pack
  • chip at not charge
  • 7 refreshment stations
  • ski maintenance and waxing service
  • medical care
  • medal diploma (to be downloaded from the Web)
  • skier badge
  • showers and relaxation at the Race Finish area
  • SMS service (information & personal running time): Every athlete, who enters his mobile phone number at the moment of online-registration, will receive information and his personal result via SMS.
  • diploma
  • a substantial lunch (lunch for escorts costs € 15)



Situated in the Finish area with the following services:

  • return of lost property
  • return of equipment left in deposit (skis, ski poles, etc.)
  • sale and stamping of Euroloppet passes
  • sales of meal tickets for “spectators“
  • sale of souvenirs
  • general information
Category "Just for Fun"
  • The Gsiesertal Lauf is pure fun for fun’s sake - without timings or rankingsSeparate starting groups - no crowding or stress
  • Proposed distance: 30 km - you can also get off the tracks earlier if you prefer
  • Catering on the course,
  • large lunch at the finish,
  • participation diploma and medal
  • reduced entry fee
Clothes transport

For environmental protection reasons, clothes bags must be requested personally when the bibs are collected. The bag may be dropped outsite of the start area. The bags will be returned at the Race Finish area.


C.T. - Saturday
You are not permitted to skate on the tracks for the classic race. Whoever uses the free technique will be disqualified by the jury ( 343.8 IWO)

F.T. - Sunday
All techniques are allowed

Events program

Friday, March 05th, 2021
6 pm  Pastaparty with live music - (owner of the Euroloppet Pass get the lunch for free)
12 pm  End of the party

Saturday, March 06th, 2021
11 am  Opening VIP Lounge
11.30  am - 4 pm  Lunch - participants of the Gsiesertal-Lauf
2 pm  42/30 km CT race prize-giving ceremony and draw of 2 pairs of cross-country skiers
3.30 pm  Race Start - 26th Gsiesertal KIDS run
4.30 pm  Gsieserta KIDS Run  prize-giving ceremony and prize draw (among the prizes is one pair of cross-country skiers)
6 pm  Pastaparty with live music - (owner of the Euroloppet Pass get the lunch for free)
6 pm  Mass at the parish church of St. Martin/Gsiesertal
9 pm - 2 am  Sports Party - under the tent

Sunday, March 07th, 2021
11 am  Opening VIP-Lounge
11.30 am - 4 pm  Lunch - participants of the Gsiesertal-Lauf
12 am  "Prünstler" in concert
2 pm  42/30 km FT race prize-giving ceremony and draw of 2 pairs of cross-country skiers
3 pm - 12 pm  "After-Race-Party" - under the tent 


Any protest must be submitted in writing by the participant to the race jury within one hour after the arrival of the first participants of the different distances. A protest fee of 62 € must be paid at the time when the protest is submitted. The protest fee will be returned if the protest is decided in favor of the protesting party.

Rescue service

Your own health and safety comes first! Each year we draw up our own “security plan” according to the latest information and approved by the jury. This sets out the precise responsibilities of the

  • emergency doctor
  • the White Cross (ambulance or rescue helicopter)
  • the mountain rescue service of Upper Purstertal
  • the 3 volunteer fire services of Gsiesertal as well as
  • the Carabinieri and the traffic police.

The closest hospitals are:

San Candido / Innichen hospital:  26 km Tel. (+39) 0474 917 111
Brunico / Bruneck hospital:          30 km Tel. (+39) 0474 581 111

Prizes object / money

Medal for each competitor

Medals for the ranks 1,2,3 of each age group (16 - 30, 31 - 40, 41 - 50, 51 - 60, 61 - 70, over 70)

CT for the first 5 ladies and the first 5 men over 30 and 42 km
FT for the first 5 ladies and the first 5 men over 30 and 42 km

B) PRIZE MONEY - Total € 8.000

6 Sprint Prizes - total € 3.600 (delivery at the price-giving-ceremony)

Official Standings - € 4.400
- CT prize money 42 km Rank 1,2,3 Ladies; Rank 1,2,3,4,5 Men
- FT prize money 42 km Rank 1,2,3 Ladies; Rank 1,2,3,4,5 Men

NB: The handover of the price money takes place after the price-giving-ceremony in the Raiffeisen-Bank. The prizes will be payed out personally (not by order of a third party or payable in arrears

Start and Finish

St. Martin/Gsiesertal, 1,220 m asl (loop)

  • Entry in the 30 km is open to skiers over 16 years of age (born before 2005, february 20th)
  • To take part in the 42 km competitors must be over 18 years of age (born before 2003, february 20th)
Start groups / starting times

CT race 10.00 am – wave start – 6 groups

FT race 09.30 am – wave start – 6 groups

The deposit of ski in the start area is allowed for the
- Group ELITE:               2 hours bevore the start
- residual start groups:    free

Start list

From 01.06.2019 you can check your race number and start group online. The update takes place every end of month;   from 1st, January 2020 every day.

Distribution of start numbers

Multi purpose house at St. Martin Gsieseertal

Friday 05.03.2020:
2,30 pm – 7 pm (CT + FT)

Saturday 06.03.2020:
7,30 am – 9,30 am (CT + FT),       2,30 pm – 7 pm (FT)

Sunday 07.03.2020:
7,00 am – 9,00 am (FT)

When collecting your start number you must show proof of payment!

Training / Cross country ski pass

The cross-country ski run of the “Gsiesertal Lauf” is already covered in artificial snow for the most part from the beginning of December and prepared daily. During the weekend (saturday / sunday) people can run without the cross country ski pass.


The choice of accommodation is at the discretion of the participant. We suggest you contact one of the hotels on our homepage, or the Gsiesertal-Welsberg-Taisten Tourist Association.

  • Along the trak there are 7 refreshemt-points
  • IMPORTANT: The rich lunch for atletes will be served from 11.30 am - 04 pm in the finish area (with the "meal-ticket" - enclosed in the start bag)
Race cancellation

 In the 37 editions of the event to date, the race has never been cancelled yet!  If this should happen in the future, the following regulations shall apply:  

      a)  Early cancellation  (e.g. due to lack of snow)  
          - Cancellation of the race shall be confirmed 7 days before the first day of the race
          - Entry fees which have been paid will either be:
            a1) refunded 80 percent to the payer or
            a2) credited to the next race 

       b) Cancellations on the day of the race (e.g. in the case of adverse weather conditions or compromised
           public safety)  In this case, the deposit will not be refunded and entry fees will not be credited to the
           next race. This is due to the fact that all expenses for timekeeping arrangements, catering etc.
           will already have been incurred by the organisers.

Details of payment
  • ONLINE - safe, fast and convenientOnline registration will not be accepted after 23:59 p.m. on Wednesday 03th March 2021.

  • Bank transfer
    Raiffeisenbank Welsberg-Gsies-Taisten
    BENEFICIARY: Gsiesertal Lauf - I-39030 Gsies, Italy
    IBAN: IT 78 R 08148 59070 000301206834 SWIFT-BIC: RZSBIT21052

    Important: When registering by bank please state which technique (C.T. or F.T.) you will be using as well as your exact address and your year of birth.  Last date for bank transfer: Monday 01.03.2021
Time limits
  • the 30/42 km races (CT and FT) to Taisten will be closed at 0,15 pm at the junction at 14 km
  • the 42 km races (CT and FT) to St Magdalena will be closed at 1,15 pm at the junction at 29,6 km
  • Finish area: 3.00 pm
Time ceeping / chip

Time keeping is done by DATASPORT. The chip is an active-trasponder and need therefore be returned to the organizer in the finish area (also in case of an early race stop) .Participants have not to pay a deposit for the chip. The participant which doesn't return the transponder has to pay it (€ 30).