

By plane
Closest international airport is Geneva (60km). Zurich international airport is at 230km from Lausanne.

By train
Geneva and Zurich airports are directly connected to national railway network. Lausanne is situated at about 50 minutes from Geneva airport (5 trains per hour) and at 2h30 from Zurich airport (4 trains per hour).

From the city centre
Use the M2 subway, direction Ouchy-Olympic to the end of the line.

Free city transportation

If you stay in a hotel and you pay the overnight “taxe de séjour”, you get automatically the Lausanne Transport Card for free. It gives you free and unrestricted access to all public transport services in the city (bus, train, metro). It is valid for the duration of the reservation, including the arrival and departure days (maximum 15 days). In the event of checks, an identity document must be presented.

Moreover, you benefit from substantial discounts on the boat crossing between Lausanne-Ouchy and Evian, souvenirs and the admission price to various municipal and private museums.

Be careful! If you take the public transport with a bike, you have to pay an added fee which represents the price of a full price ticket.

More information

Useful links
CFF (train)
Transports lausannois (metro, bus)
CGN (boat)