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Some athletes go caffeine-free in the run-up to a competition, hoping it will increase the stimulant effect when it really counts. But does it actually improve performance?
Planning bike tours has never been easier. The most important tips.
80 % of the population has a desk job, meaning hours of sitting motionlessly in front of a screen. A round of jogging as compensation is not nearly enough!
From what duration and intensity is a fluid and carbohydrate intake necessary?
The sun brightens the mood and tans the complexion. But at the same time you have to protect yourself from it. The most important points.
Standing, walking, and running. The activities change, the body stays the same. If you are aware of your own posture and movement patterns, you’ll get more out of running – and life.
The fluid balance in sports is a constant source of discussion – the schools of thought are in dispute.
There are hardly any cross-country ski races or spring events and most of the summer goals have either been cancelled or are on shaky ground.
Even athletes with an awareness of healthy nutrition don’t always manage to eat fresh staple foods. The pros and cons of convenience products.
What sports can you easily do outdoors and what should you best give a miss? The most important points to bear in mind regarding the risk of catching the coronavirus.
Many women suffer from back pain – and incontinence – when jogging. Learn more about the correlations and what women can do about it.
Everyone has probably reached for a recovery shake or energy bar at one time or the other. But have you ever asked yourself if there is another way?
Switzerland is pretty sporty: two-thirds do sports on a regular basis and occasional athletes are dying out. Good for the health and quality of life.
Pain during training is par for the course for numerous athletes. What is pain and how can and should an athlete assess it?
Due to the latest shoe developments World Athletics, the international governing body, has been driven to redefine the rules for running shoes. The most important points.