A running year without injuries

13. February 2023

The new running year has begun and we hope it will be a success! With these eight tips, you can hopefully look forward to a year free of accidents and injuries.

1. Don't take off like a rocket 

Gradually build up to your usual training duration again. The key formula for running training is: Steadily increase the frequency first, then the duration, and finally the intensity of your training. Beginners in particular need to give all the body parts involved in running enough time to adapt.

2. Attune your load to your load capacity

Your training load must correspond to your load capacity or resilience. There is a rule of thumb here, too: If you increase your running training workload by one unit per week, then you should give yourself at least four to six weeks before you increase it again.

3. Don't just increase your running training 

When increasing your running workload, always include an alternative and gentle sports unit at the same time, be it on the bike, in the water or at the fitness studio. The following also applies: If you run more, you also need to do more gymnastics and strengthening exercises, because while running alone will improve your cardiovascular system, it only improves your muscular capabilities to a limited extent.

4. Fast is followed by slow

Runners know: Intervals boost your performance capability enormously and are extremely beneficial! But at the same time: Intensity and duration compete against each other. If you train very intensively, then you shouldn’t train extensively at the same time. And intervals not only make you faster, but also put a strain on both your musculoskeletal and cardiovascular system. Accordingly, good recovery is key after tough and fast training units.

5. Put your feet first 

When exactly was the last time you did proper foot gymnastics? Precisely! If you have long-term running goals and want to take part in competitions, then you definitely need to strengthen your foot muscles regularly for 10-15 minutes. This can be done either with simple foot muscle exercises in front of the TV and while brushing your teeth or also rope jumping. You just have to do it!

6. Ramp it up for 3 Weeks, rest for 1

Increase your workload in 3-week blocks and then considerably reduce your specific running training in the fourth week before you begin the next 3-week block.

7. Old cells are less supple 

It’s a fact: The older you are, the more you should be doing preventive forms of training alongside your running training in order to avoid sports injuries. So, address your weaknesses!

8. Multi-sports even on a small scale 

Versatility is one of the biggest secrets when it comes to preventing injuries in recreational sports. However, this not only means mastering several types of sports and a variety of muscle exercises but also the details of versatility. For example, improving coordination through jumping and swinging exercises, as well as your flexibility, core stability, and doing special exercises such as a standing scale, headstand, and handstand, etc.: The wider the variety of movement, the better your musculoskeletal system can withstand the specific running loads.