A stable core guarantees top performance
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The optimal training for your core muscles is functional and as close to your type of sport as possible. Power is always transmitted to the arms and legs via the core. Find out how to achieve efficient core stability here.
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Bending and stretching, tilting, and rotating to both sides: These are the movements your core requires. In the first part, you trained your straight systems. In the second part, you worked on the diagonal systems. This third part now involves functional training of the core muscles. To ensure your movements are precise and powerful, you need a well-trained core.
Functions of the core
When jogging, a well-trained core stabilises the forces that act when your leg lands on the ground and then pushes off with power. On the bike, a well-trained core allows an optimum power transfer to the pedals while you remain steady in the saddle. And when swimming, you'll get a powerful pull if your core can maintain a good position in the water. Weaknesses in the core muscles are easy to fix and increase your performance enormously. But it takes some perseverance to get good core stability. If core strength is lacking, the body can quickly start to adopt faulty movement patterns. Compensation strategies lead to injuries and reduced performance. So be careful how you train your core.
4 exercises for stable core muscles
«Side Plank» with diagonal crunch
Start: Start in the side plank position on your right side. Your left leg is on the floor. Hold your right leg in the air in front of your left leg. Put your left hand on your head. Now move your left elbow and right knee towards and then away from each other. After one set, switch sides.
Dosage: 3 sets of 15 repetitions.
Take note: Keep your pelvis stable and make sure your body is straight and your shoulders actively support you in the starting position.
Variation: Place the supporting foot on a ball (you can use anything from a football to a small gymnastic ball).
«Bent Over» with rotation
Start: Start standing with your upper body tilted forward. Your back is straight, and your feet are hip-width apart. Your knees are slightly bent. Hold a dumbbell or weight plate with both hands. Now rotate your upper body to the side together with slightly bent arms, hold the position briefly, and rotate back to the middle. Now rotate to the other side and back to the middle.
Dosage: 3 sets of 20 repetitions.
Take note: The movement comes from the thoracic spine. Keep your lower back and pelvis stable. Keep your knees fixed at the same angle.
Variation: Now stand on one leg, but still keep your lower back and pelvis stable.
«Superman» with diagonal change
Start: Lie on your stomach and stretch your arms in front of your head. Your arms and legs are in the air. Now alternately lift one arm and the opposite leg higher in a diagonal line. Your arms and legs never touch the ground throughout the entire exercise.
Dosage: 3 sets of 15-20 repetitions.
Take note: Your face is oriented downwards, so your neck keeps its length. Tighten your stomach slightly so that you don't end up with a hollow back.
Variation: Put an elastic band around your wrists and ankles. This will increase the resistance when lifting.
«Bear» with arm stretched to the side
Start: Get down on your hands and knees. Keep your back straight and lift both knees off the ground. Now stretch one arm to the side and keep your core stable. Briefly hold the position. Return your arm to its starting position. Now lift your other arm on the other side.
Dosage: 3 sets of 15-20 repetitions.
Take note: Keep your back straight and stable.
Variation: Now extend the opposite leg backwards while your arm is in the air.
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