Getting better with needle punctures

19. February 2019

These seven acupuncture points play a role in the performance of runners, swimmers, cyclists, ultra-athletes, and competitive athletes.

Acupuncture has been used in traditional Chinese medicine for thousands of years to relieve all types of pain and discomfort. And more and more athletes are relying on this art of healing. The following seven acupuncture points breathe new life into endurance athletes:

Three-Mile point 
(St 36 = stomach meridian 36)

Also called «Divine Equanimity», it provides the legs with stamina and strength. After stimulating this point, it gives those who are tired the strength to run another three miles.

Usain Bolt point 
(Bl 58 = bladder meridian 58)

Its official name is «Flying Yang» and it provides sprinters with a tremendous boost of power.

Great Hammer 
(Du 14 = Du Mai Governing Vessel 14)

This is located on a Yang crossing point, which sends the flow in all directions. When this point is stimulated, it feels like a great hammer is striking all the blocked energy. Can be of interest to ultra-athletes, cyclists, and cross-country skiers.

Greater Mountain Stream 
(Ki 3 = kidney meridian 3)

Particularly used on swimmers so they feel at «one» with the water and swim with the current instead of against it.

Returning Current
(Ki 7 = kidney meridian 7)

Primarily used for regeneration as well as on postpartum women, it symbolises a flow of water that begins to flow freely again.

Residence of the Will 
(Bl 52 = bladder meridian 52)

This point is ideal for competitions as it helps you to mobilise your will and develop perseverance.

At the Summit of the Mountain 
(Du 20 = Du Mai Governing Vessel 20)

Also called «Hundred Meetings». It is located at the very top of the head where all the Yang meridians come together. It promotes an upright posture and willpower and helps you to achieve your (competitive) goal with dignity.

This is how the acupuncture points are stimulated

Anyone looking for acupuncture treatment at our latitudes will come across a wide variety of treatment methods. For most people, it makes sense if a specialist performs it. However, with a little basic knowledge and practice, you can perform acupressure on yourself if you know the points.

  • In a Tui Na massage (tui = pushing, na = pinching), the meridians and their adjoining vessels are influenced by various techniques (massaging, walking, kneading, tapping). The practitioners not only use their hands but also their palms, forearms, elbows, and fists.
  • With Cupping, glass cups are briefly heated before they are placed on the body. The vacuum, which is created as they cool, stimulates the blood circulation and removes factors disturbing the flow of Qi (chi).
  • Moxibustion, also called moxa, is a heat therapy in which heat is briefly applied to the acupuncture points. Dried mugwort leaves are used for the moxibustion treatment.
  • Acupressure involves stimulating the acupuncture points purely with finger pressure instead of needle tips.
  • Take note: the so-called Dry Needling treatment is used by physiotherapists and occupational therapists. A disposable acupuncture needle is precisely inserted into a trigger point responsible for the current complaints.