How fast can you run?
Would you like to calculate your time for a race you weren’t able to take part in? Compare yourself with your fellow runners using Augustin Genoud’s calculator.
Suppose that you and a friend both raced in the SwissCityMarathon half-marathon. She then took part in the Zürcher Silvesterlauf, which you weren’t able to make. With the calculator, you can now work out what time you would have got in the Silvesterlauf by comparing yourself with your friend.
No time like the present to try it out! Pick one of the ten events left to go this year and calculate your potential time based on your friends’ results from previous editions.
You can select from the following events, for which last-minute registration is still available:
- Gossauer Weihnachtslauf: traditional city run in eastern Switzerland
- Course à Travers Aigle: laid-back event in the Lake Geneva region
- Allschwiler Klausenlauf: popular city run in north-east Switzerland, held on the first Sunday of Advent
- Course Titzé de Noël: traditional city run in Valais – this year featuring a 28 km trail run for the first time
- La Trotteuse-Tissot: sociable Christmas run in the Franches-Montagnes region
- Christmas Midnight Run: a unique racing experience in Lausanne
- Zürcher Silvesterlauf: popular racing event in the heart of Zurich
- Gippinger Stauseelauf: fast-paced, end-of-year road race round an idyllic reservoir
- Silversterlauf Gersau: 30th anniversary of the New Year’s Eve city run on the shore of Lake Lucerne
- Neujahrsmarathon Zürich: the ultimate New Year’s challenge, kicking off at midnight
Augustin Genoud is a retired maths teacher with a passion for running. He has written two books on maths and logic puzzles and is the founder of the sports club 13 Etoiles.
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