Interview with Anja Weber

26. December 2022

It's not easy, making it all the way to the very top. Especially not in two different types of sport. However, this is precisely what Anja Weber is managing to do. The 21-year-old from Zurich is the U23 cross-country skiing world champion and a member of the Triathlon National Team. Her goal: To participate in the Olympic Games both in Milan in the winter of 2026 and Los Angeles in the summer of 2028.

At the beginning of December, you were voted «Best Talent Sport». What does this award mean to you?

This award means a great deal to me. It shows me that I'm on the right track and gives me a lot of motivation for the future. I am delighted that so many people are supporting me on my way and voted for me, because this is a unique and beautiful award. Thank you so much!

As a cross-country skier and triathlete, you have to juggle two types of sport. Can you give us an insight into your everyday training? For example, what does your training look like during the four seasons? And what does a normal training week look like during the cross-country skiing and triathlon seasons? When does it involve how much of one sport and when of the other?

In winter there are many competitions due to the cross-country skiing season. As a result, I concentrate mostly on the competitions. When I'm at home, I always like running and swimming at the SchwimmClub Uster Wallisellen. I replace cycling more with cross-country skiing. After the cross-country skiing season, I usually do very little for a week and then start training again for the summer season. My program involves more swimming, cycling, and running training.

My first triathlon competitions then start in mid-May. I mainly focus on the competitions and good training units. When autumn approaches, I already start incorporating the first roller ski units to somewhat prepare myself for the winter. 

I usually end my triathlon season in mid-September, which is earlier than usual. Then I take another short break. This is followed by basic training and training camps with Swiss Ski, before returning to the snow. 

Basically, the training units don’t really differ very much from each other. In the summer and winter, the focus is on competitions and in the off seasons it's more about laying the necessary foundation.

What do you fundamentally believe are the 3 key factors that lead to success?

  1. Enjoying the sport is a definite must. When you enjoy it, then you practice your sport with a passion, which is something that helps you to be successful.
  2. I believe setting goals is also very important. This is especially so when you do two types of sport. You can thereby look forward to the highlight and train in a targeted manner. 
  3. The right environment is also a very big success factor. Only thanks to my head coach, Michi Rüegg, and main club, TG Hütten, am I able to practice both sports. It is therefore very important to be able to count on good support.

Winter and the cross-country ski races are upon us. What is absolutely crucial for amateur athletes during the preparation phase? 

  1. It is important that you dress appropriately for the weather. You should be able to move freely, but not get too cold.
  2. Drinking and eating are also very important during the cold seasons and give you energy.

Do you have an insider tip with regards to training, equipment, nutrition, or recovery?

The most important thing is to listen to your body. This will enable you to react faster and avoid mistakes if something doesn’t quite go to plan.

Foto: zvg