Interview with Dominik Rolli
Last September, long-distance runner Dominik Rolli crossed the finish line of the half marathon in Copenhagen at 1:03:13 and thus joined the Swiss Starters Team. So far, only 5 Swiss athletes have been faster than the 25-year-old.
You have continuously improved your level of performance over the years. In your eyes, what are the three most important factors that have contributed to this?
- The structured and long-term continuous training.
- Working together with my trainer, who always saw the bigger picture and ensured there was sensible periodisation.
- My training colleagues who pushed me during the training and ensured a great atmosphere.
What does a typical training week look like?
In quiet weeks, I run 6-7 times a week, in intensive weeks, 8-9 times. This always adds up to 100 to 150 kilometres maximum per week. Every evening, I complement these with a core training program as well as stretching and Blackroll exercises. Only when I'm injured do I get on the cross-country skis or bike.
I mainly do my training kilometres in hilly terrain and only run the loads on the flats.
Due to my job and the daily tasks on my parent’s farm, time is a rare commodity for me. Thus, until now, I have neither done strength training nor gone for a massage on a regular basis. But that will change in 2022, because I have quit my job and alongside running, will «only» work 40-50% on the farm.
What are your 3 key training tips for amateur runners, so that 2022 will be a success?
- Build a good foundation in winter.
- Choose competitions that are right for you.
- Enjoy doing what you do.
Can you describe your favourite training unit?
It's difficult for me to limit myself to one training unit. Therefore, here are two «favourite training units»:
- For the mind: a long run in the mountains.
- For developing the anaerobic threshold: tempo changes during 12 to 20 kilometre runs. I switch between running 1 kilometre at a «fast» pace of 3:00 min/km and 1 kilometre at a «medium» pace of 3:25-3:30 min/km.
Is there an insider tip you like using and would be willing to share with us?
Try to be as hard as possible on yourself during your training and competitions and as easy as possible in everyday life.
We thank Dominik Rolli for the interesting answers.
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