One tip for every month – how to make your sports year a success
We've compiled 12 tips to make your 2025 sporting year a success. You'll find a special tip for each month.
January: Set yourself goals. This might be a competition goal, such as taking part in a specific event, or a weekly goal, such as a certain mileage. You will see that concrete goals increase your motivation and facilitate training.
February: Consider your sport as a whole and don’t just focus on mileage, but also all the necessary conditioning factors. Regularly stretch and strengthen your muscles, work on your technique and don’t forget about speed.
March: Mix up your training. If you want to make progress, try adding variety to your training routine and don’t always run at the same pace. Decide before each session whether – and ideally how – intense it should be or whether you are going to run at a more gentle effort that's perhaps a little longer.
April: Take part in a race. Your main race may be weeks or months away. Even so, it can't hurt to see where you’re currently at and take part in a timed race. The main benefit is that you'll get to know a new event and gain valuable experience for your main competition. If there is no race option, simulate a race that is close to your final competition in terms of requirements.
May: Long endurance sessions are often the key to better performance. Focus on long sessions, but ease your way in slowly. If you're on foot, don’t increase the longest week-to-week session by more than 15 minutes.
June: Use the longer days for a trip into the mountains to add some altitude to your training. This will give you strong legs!
July: Try incorporating alternative sports such as cycling or swimming into your training routine. This reduces the risk of a performance plateau, as your body is repeatedly exposed to new stimuli.
August: Go with the weather. When it's hot, train early in the morning or in a forest. If your competition is imminent, try to get used to the heat by training at the same time. It takes about two weeks to get used to the heat.
September: Autumn is the season for running! Find an autumn event that you've never done before. Seeing and experiencing something new is very motivating!
October: Pick a nice day in October to cover a particularly scenic route from A to B.
November: Treat yourself to a training break of 3 to 4 weeks once a year. This gives your body and mind a chance to recover and recharge your batteries. You'll see that your supposed lack of form quickly turns into an improvement!
December: Use winter to improve your endurance with cross-country skiing or snowshoeing. This will benefit you in your main sport the following year!
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