Tips for a successful start to spring

Valentin Belz 29. March 2019

When the days and especially the evenings get longer, this is a welcome moment for many to start training regularly again. The cold, wet days are long forgotten as the temperatures hit the double digits and spring fever gets into full swing.

Ease your way in and build it up gently

As much as the spring-like conditions entice you to make up lost ground, you should rein in your overzealousness. It is not without reason that there is a so-called ten-percent rule which says you shouldn’t increase your weekly kilometres by more than 10% each week.

Start at a low intensity

If you are training in shorts again for the first time in what feels like six months, it is understandable that you want to step on the gas pedal right away. Just make sure that you first lay a solid foundation and that your musculoskeletal system gets used to the load before you train at higher levels of intensity.

Vary the intensity of training

Those who do the right forms of training at different levels of intensity will continuously surprise their body anew and can count on the biggest changes and greatest progress. 


Set yourself a goal and train accordingly

Setting yourself one or more (realistic) goals will give you an extra motivational boost and good reason to consistently stay the course for weeks or even months. And when you achieve your goal, you'll get your much-deserved reward in the form of immense satisfaction and enormous pride.

Set yourself intermediate goals

On the way to your major goal, it makes a lot of sense to keep yourself buoyed up with intermediate goals. These can also be so-called key training sessions or competitions in which you deliberately participate to prepare for your major goal. The intermediate goals will help ascertain whether you are on the right track and adjustments can be made, if necessary.

Train holistically

Get rid of the idea that running, cycling, or swimming are complete types of sports. They are in fact different combinations of the fitness factors endurance, strength, flexibility, speed, and coordination and need to be trained accordingly. In other words, don’t just do your evening run or cycle, but strengthen and stretch your muscles before or after, challenge yourself in terms of speed, and do coordination exercises for a good technique.


Check your equipment 

Before you start training regularly, check your equipment (or get it checked). Your equipment is ultimately a decisive factor in determining whether your project will succeed or not. If necessary, new functioning equipment will further increase the fun.

Protect your skin

After the long winter months when the sun was low in the sky, your skin is anything but prepared for the stronger rays of sunshine. Therefore, make sure you remember to wear a sunscreen that is suited to your sport.

Adapt your clothing

During the winter months it was pretty much clear what to wear. Now that the spring temperatures are in the single digits early in the morning and can easily exceed 20 degrees in the afternoon, it is not so easy to dress properly. Here you will find the necessary tips for running and cycling in all weather conditions.