Training variations to prepare for the cross-country skiing season

18. September 2019

The snow is still a long way off, but you can already prepare for the cross-country skiing season now: six training variations to hit the slopes in top shape with the first flakes.

During their first cross-country skiing unit in winter, even the best trained athletes learn by painful experience that good stamina alone does not guarantee good cross-country skiing. The good news: both the specific coordination as well as balance required for cross-country skiing can be easily licked into shape «off-snow». Here we show you six training variations that are worth their weight in gold when you first hit the snow.

1. Roller skis

Roller skis are still the most popular training option for dedicated cross-country skiers and the one that comes closest to the cross-country skiing movement. However, roller skiing takes some practice.

+ Best off-snow training for the specific cross-country skiing technique.
+ You can train all step types used in cross-country skiing.

- Relatively difficult to brake and therefore not suitable for downhill routes and only for experienced skiers.
- Price: you need different models for the skating and classic technique.
- Requires a relatively large amount of space on the street (especially skating), so is therefore inappropriate or even prohibited on busy streets (check beforehand).


2. Nordic blading

For all those who find roller skis too complex, Nordic blading, or inline skating with poles, offers an alternative. Nordic blading is easy to perform, provided you have inline skates. Due to the typical high-low movement of the upper body as well as the use of the poles, inline skating with poles is far closer to cross-country skiing than mere inline skating. What’s more, the same muscles are stressed as for cross-country skiing and it also trains your sense of rhythm.

+ Can be performed with normal inline skates.
+ Good training for your arm/leg rhythm and strength.
+ Good balance training.

- The speed increases rapidly on the flats, making it too fast for the arms, thus hampering your coordination and correct use of the poles.
- The technique for returning the leg is different than when skating on cross-country skis. The hips and upper body thus need greater stability, otherwise you will get used to an unfavourable rotation.
- Uphill is physically demanding, so it is important to take breaks.

3. Vita Parcours

With a little imagination, the Vita Parcours offers the perfect mixture of endurance, strength, balance and flexibility training.

+ Available practically everywhere throughout Switzerland.
+ Depending on your personal strength and weakness profile, it is possible to work specifically on your weaknesses (e.g. arm strength exercises, balance, coordination).
+ There are many possible exercises for the arm and upper body muscles.

- Time constraints in winter due to darkness.
- No specific requirements. It therefore calls for a certain degree of imagination, independence and discipline.

4. Running with poles

The poles turn each running unit into a cross-country skiing unit. Classic skiers in particular benefit from the similarity in movement.

+ Cardiovascular endurance training combined with strength endurance for the arms.
+ Promotes a sense of rhythm for the classic style.
+ The poles can be used to train both your stamina as well as targeted jumping power and explosiveness.

- Requires suitable terrain (slightly uphill) to ensure training with poles makes sense.
- Time constraints in winter due to darkness.
- Arduous. High degree of exhaustion, depending on the terrain. Incorporate breaks or Nordic walking from time to time.


5. Running with a rubber band

A mini or Thera-band can turn an ordinary running unit into a specific cross-country skiing unit.

+ Complete freedom in terms of time and place.
+ Endurance training combined with strength exercises.
+ The use of the arms can be easily simulated with the rubber band.
+ Equipment costs extremely low.

- Time constraints in winter due to darkness.
- No specific requirements. It calls for a certain degree of imagination and independence.

6. Balance training

You can do a lot of balance training on a balance board, wobble board, or air cushion before the start of the season. It trains precisely the stabilisation muscles that are also needed to balance on skis.

+ Exercises can be easily performed at home.
+ Unstable ground promotes your muscular interaction and sense of balance.
+ Little time required, for example, you can also practise this while watching TV. 


You now know all the possible ways in which you can train for the winter without any snow. But how exactly should the different forms of training be combined with each other? The most important principles:

  • All types of roller training have a great advantage: they are gentle forms of training that don’t impact the body, which is why even long endurance units can be completed without overly straining the musculoskeletal system.
  • Since the preparation time for winter is a transitional period for many amateur athletes, it is worth making the training as diverse as possible and combining all possibilities with each other. So, in addition to doing longer units (60-120 min) at a relaxed intensity, also do strength training and intensive, shorter units (e.g. run 30-40 min uphill or skate with poles).
  • During the transition phase, you should work on the basics again by doing relaxed and longer training units, while simultaneously getting used to the high intensity peaks that are required during cross-country skiing by doing short intervals or mountain training.
  • Coupling training units are also very beneficial - for example, first do an inline skating round and then run for half an hour with poles. When going uphill, you can enter the red zone now and again to improve both your anaerobic capacity and challenge your arm muscles.
  • Strength training can be easily combined with balance training (these coordination exercises should be done before the strength exercises when the muscles have not yet been stressed).
  • When doing roller training, please remember that it is constantly getting darker earlier, so it is essential that you are highly visible when training on asphalt and wear lights and reflectors so you can be seen. And the following also applies: wear a helmet!