Triangle pose


Reinforcing the power of the core

This exercise is presented by Spiraldynamik.

As with the seated forward bend, the triangle pose is the ideal exercise for stabilising your torso, strengthening your abdominal muscles and preventing back pain as a result. Similar to the standing lunge stretch, this strengthens the inner hip muscle (M. iliopsoas), which is connected to our main breathing muscle, the diaphragm. A rigid, tight hip flexor interferes with the diaphragm's vibrations, causing irregular and shallow breathing. This exercise encourages deeper breathing and stabilises the core, which is important for a relaxed, yet faster and more efficient running technique.

Begin in a wide stance with feet about a leg distance apart. As you breathe in, lift your arms above your head while bending the right knee slightly. Then, turn your right heel inwards and left heel outwards slightly for stability through both legs. Let the power of the earth flow all the way from the arches of your feet up to your head. Stretch your arms out to the side and, while breathing out and keeping your back straight, rotate to the right from your right hip. It is important to lengthen through both sides of the waist here to form a triangle between your upper body and outstretched leg. Without bearing weight on it, slide your right hand down your right leg towards your shin. Only bend down as far as feels comfortable for you. Point your left arm straight up to the ceiling. It is important here to rotate the left shoulder as though you are leaning against a wall behind you. Keep your neck elongated and gaze looking upwards. Hold this position for a few deep breaths then change sides.

Note no. 1 – If you suffer with disc problems and particularly tight rear leg muscles, take extra care when performing this exercise. This is because tight rear leg muscles can prevent the pelvis from tilting forwards which increases the pressure on the spinal discs.

Objective: The triangle pose primarily strengthens the Iliopsoas of the front leg and stretches the rear muscle. This exercise also strengthens the stomach, flank, pelvis and pelvic floor muscles and mobilises the hip joint. This stabilises the lower back actively and axially. An ideal exercise in the event of core instability, pelvic misalignment, scoliosis and a weak pelvic floor. This strengthens the deep abdominal muscles and increases the resilience of the lower back. Your spinal discs will thank you!


Our book recommendation:
Medical Yoga – TRIAS Verlag
Dr. med. Christian Larsen, Christiane Wolff, Eva Hager-Forstenlechner