
40 years experience in timekeeping

The origin of the company dates back to 1983. Claudio Galasso founded Datasport Galasso. Even early on, the young company convinced with drive, innovative ideas, speed, professionalism and demonstrated know-how and reliability at track and field events and gymnastics festivals.

One year later Daniel Geissmann founded the CAST (Computer Assistant Sport Timing) company. Created along with the Bern Grand Prix, a great number of running events soon put their faith in CAST's timing.

In 1992, Daniel Geissmann and Claudio Galasso joined forces. The current company, DATASPORT AG was created. Thanks to professional work over the years, Datasport has become the most important IT service provider for popular and mass sports. Through the continuous expansion of its offer of services for organisers and athletes, Datasport has become the leading provider in Switzerland and abroad.

Datasport was a subsidiary of Swisscom for seven years. Since September 2019 it is owned by the existing management Thomas Bachofner (VRP) and Manfred Herz (Managing Director abavent). Since then, Datasport is independent again, with entrepreneurial passion and flexibility. Datasport is thus ideally positioned to respond quickly to your customer requirements and to shape the future together.