Do endurance sports improve brain power?

23. July 2019

On the basis of the latest findings, endurance sports not only train the muscles but also the grey cells. Various studies have already proven that regular cardio training has a positive impact on brain power.

The researchers suspect that running, cycling, and swimming, amongst others, delay the age-related loss of brain functions. The previous studies, however, were limited almost exclusively to older test persons. A recent study by Colombia University has now been able to confirm the positive effects of cardio training on brain power in young people too.


As part of the study, the scientists got a total of 132 people between the ages of 20 and 67 years to do endurance training four times a week. After nearly six months, the researchers investigated the test subjects’ different brain activities - the processing speed, language, attentiveness and memory - by means of EEG (electroencephalography). The results were extremely encouraging: their intellectual skills had improved significantly, particularly the brain processes that are important for thinking, planning, and solving problems. The researchers were also able to determine an increase in the test persons’ grey matter in the brain. This part of the brain controls all the perception processes as well as the motor performance.